Or husband goes off to work early in the morning leaving wife to run the home affairs. She cannot complain because all she needs is being provided for her or so he thinks. He works hard all day and comes home tired, but not too tired for a quick hug. However anything more would be stretching himself too far, he cannot spend one more minute or he would not be able to get enough sleep before morning… and the cycle goes on.
On some occasions the wife is very busy, her job is much more demanding and the husband cannot really complain because most of the luxury the family enjoys comes from her very generous employers and if she leaves that job, their will be a significant drop in the standard of living, and the status they have so dutifully acquired for themselves.
Life has gotten so very busy, too busy that so many husbands and wives hardly have time together. They keep hoping to make up during the weekends but family events or obligations to friends, weddings, birthdays, and all such things seem to eat deep into their weekends too.
I used to wonder sometimes, when I see couples who have lived like this and seemed not to mind, after a long time decide that the marriage is no longer working and they are not compatible. I have seen marriages of many decades crumble like a pack of cards in spite all the wealth they have at their disposal. They have allowed busyness and misplaced priorities to subtly build an invisible but very real wall between them.
Why do we get so busy pursuing money so we can drive the best, wear the best, eat the best, travel the best, and live in the best? When a more important thing; our relationship with our spouses, and even our children is being hit against the wall?
We must review our lives as husbands and wives and make all the necessary adjustments to make adequate time for one another, because our relationship with each other affects our marriage and children.
I like to enjoy all the good things of life, but what would it benefit me if my pursuance, or my spouse’s pursuance of “things” will not allow me to spend time with my spouse and nurture my marriage?
My point? Your marriage is like a garden that needs to be tended or it will dry up. Marriages that will last are marriages that are nurtured, and nurturing does require time, deliberate time. If it requires cutting budgets, changing life styles, moving houses, changing jobs… It is worth it because joy and happiness cannot be sacrificed on the altar of materialism. Love requires time to grow and how will it grow if it is not fed or nurtured? And this responsibility lies on both man and wife.
Are you making TIME to nurture your marriage?
And the Lord God took the man(male and female created he them) and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and guard and keep it. Genesis 2:15 Emphasis are mine
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