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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Dr. Juanita Bynum School Of Prophets Tour (Culled from

A couple of months ago, when Dr. Juanita Bynum ran into that legal trouble that landed her in a very unfortunate situation, you guys know I did not touch it. I purposely stayed away from that one because, at the time, I felt that the parties involved could handle that situation in a better way. So, for the first time since 1998, I actually agreed with Ms. Bynum's side of the story. Did I shock you? LOL

On, I make an effort to never ever discuss the children of pastors, gossip, medical issues, the wife of the Pastor (unless she is the Co-Pastor), and I never touch forms of worship. All of those topics are off limits and what I consider out of the ring.

At the center of the ring will always be: misappropriation of tithes & offerings, rape, molestation, pastors unfit for service, malfeasance of a pastor, and destructive doctrines.
One such destructive doctrine- the Doctrine of Prophets & Prophecy- has become the preferred “screwdriver” of preachers who have no other purpose in ministry other than to build wealth. The Doctrine of Prophecy is truly the “Doctrine of Profits”.

On July 17th, at 6:30p.m., in Anaheim Events Center, Anaheim, CA, Juanita Bynum will present The School of the Prophets Tour. Where Dionne Warrick left off, Dr. Juanita Bynum has picked up with her very own Tour of The Prophets Psychic Side Show.

You read correct the first time…. The School of the Prophets Tour!

On the advertisement for this tour, Bynum deliberately leaves out what the attendees will witness at this event, which sets the stage for even more unbiblical madness. I will not even get into the tagline right now, which reads: “Preparing for the Power of Rosh Hashanah”, because the “School of the Prophets” crap is worthy of the first official “Slapping of the Pimp”.

Patients Who Have Taken the Drug Bynum Have Experienced Psychosis

I don’t have a problem with many of the angry emails I receive from pastors because of my articles on – what I have a major issue with is: why they never correct one of their own? A preacher can say just about any off-the-wall thing that enters his mind, while other Christian pastors cowardly retreat to the safety of their own pulpits.

This is not the case with Jewish Rabbis & the Islamic Leadership- they remain the “First Responders” to Hermeneutic Stupidity. When there’s something strange in your neighborhood- who you gonna call? Who do we call, in the Body of Christ, when we have a Preaching Crazy Person on the loose?

Do you hear the Crickets?

A School of the Prophets is just as crazy as when that so-called Jewish Rabbi crowned Bishop Eddie Long the “King of The Jews” (we all saw how fast Eddie apologized for that nonsense). The difference between the Christian pastors and the real Jewish Rabbis is that the Rabbis took to the air waves- Youtube- and even called New Birth to let them know that they didn’t appreciate the insult. They demanded an apology, and Eddie Long gave them one.

Here we have something as crazy as a Vocational Technical School for Prophecy, and not one big time pastor has used any of their airtime to demand an apology for insulting the true Biblical Prophets.

There is no such thing as a School of Prophets in the Orthodox Christian Doctrine.

I fault the stupidity & madness of the late Pastor William Branham for his awful teaching on prophecy that was never challenged by any of the faint- hearted pastors of his day. As a direct result of Branham being influenced by the Mormons -who actually believe in a School of Prophets concept – this hogwash found its way into our churches.

William Branham got rich off fake prophecies, and his spiritually criminal system of teaching people how to become so-called "divine prophets" has led to the excessive lusting after this one gift.  In all of his time studying the scriptures, Branham totally ignored that prophecy is a gift from God- not a talent from God. A gift from God cannot be developed by man – Duh!

This is how we end up with people like Hustler Bishop E. Bernard Jordon promoting that he can teach you how to operate in the “Gift of Prophecy”.  The misinterpretation of the “School of the Prophets” comes from “Sons of the Prophets” found in 2 Kings 6.

2 Kings 6

King James Version (KJV)

And the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha, Behold now, the place where we dwell with thee is too strait for us. Let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan, and take thence every man a beam, and let us make us a place there, where we may dwell. And he answered, Go ye.

From William Branham, to Rev Ike, to Bishop E. Bernard Jordan, to Juanita Bynum, we now get our latest hustle: “Even you too can now be a Prophet!” The Sons of the Prophet were simply Sons of their Prophet Fathers. That’s it; they had no special ability because God never transferred the gift prophecy to the sons of all the prophets.

Nevertheless, Ms. Bynum will make money off of this event for two reasons:

1. As Christians, we question nothing and believe everything; and

2. Our pastors are too preoccupied with the Prosperity Gospel to practice the art of internal apologetics or shall I say, “Protecting us from the crazy preachers within the faith.”
If Symptoms Persist call Jesus

Anyone thinking about attending this event- just to receive the gift of prophecy- know that you will come away just as disappointed as the international missionaries who attended the Azusa Street Revival in 1906. You can neither force a gift from God, nor should you desire any gift more than the gift of charity.

How about you take the money you plan to invest in one of these Schools of Prophecy and do what I’m doing- start a Chicken Ministry.

In one of our recent Church Folk Revolution Radio Broadcast, an awesome Brother in Christ Marcellus McMillian preached a sermon that we now refer to as “The Chicken Sermon on the Mound”.
“The problem is we have served Jesus like fried chicken, but we cooked it wrong- all fried in grease & batter. We never told the people what would be the side effects of all that grease; so, when they got sick, they didn’t want no more chicken. If we would have prepared the chicken right, then they would have never gotten sick and would have tasted and seen that the Lord was good.”

That one, spur of the moment sermon by this humbled brother was the best word of prophecy that I have heard since “I have a Dream.” God reveal a word to him – he shared it – then went back to his day job. Yes, it was a word of prophecy, but neither did that make him a prophet, nor does it mean that we should now worship chicken.

Since biblical times, the mystics have always carved out their own little niche by telling gullible people what they think God is saying.

I, personally, doubt the majority of the people calling themselves prophets today; not that I doubt that God has ever used them – it is just my belief that these prophetical assignments were part-time.

Due to the “Cash in Christ” phenomena, we will always have these characters who claim to have special “Jesus Super Powers” that none of us have; but, the strange thing is, I never see any of the people with “Jesus Super Powers” giving away thousands of dollars.

“So, in other words, Jesus told you to tell me that the thing that has been keeping me up at night is almost over; but the same Jesus- in the same conversation- didn’t tell you to give me the $12,681 to pay off my student loans?”

Come on Saints of God! We have to put this new Psychic Friends Network out of business the same way the Fed’s disconnected the phones at the first location. If you stop supporting it, then Juanita Bynum will have to search through the Old Testament to find the next gimmick to disguise as a Revelation from God.

True Prophets of God were burdened with the responsibility of our salvation –a task that none of them signed up for eagerly or even wanted.

God does not have laryngitis – if He wants you to hear something, then He will say it directly to you. Despite what the lyrics of the song “Shug” Avery sings in the Color Purple say, God is not TRYING to tell you something- God doesn’t have to try; He will just tell you directly.

Soul Sister Dr. Juanita Bynum - I’m keeping my eyes on you!

Culled from


  1. dr. Juanita stop doing the devil work and get your self right you know what you are doing is wrong we don't know when our time is up but I sure do hope you will repent be for it is to late for your soul. Life is not all about money its about living right and loving God and doing his work it is not about getting rich and then later you lose your soul for ever. please watch the tape on heaven is so real and 23 min in HELL. Please stop doing what you are doing to these people. God help her.

  2. Powers of Prophecy You must create your dream in your own imagination, in the darkroom, where it is without form and void. God loves to have you in the place of uncertainty because you are operating in the dark. You’re operating without material facts. You are operating in a realm where it is without form, where it is void, and darkness is upon the face of the deep.

  3. I've been looking for info on this topic for a while. I'm happy this one is so great. Keep up the excellent work



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